hello world
The inhomogeneous superfluid paper is on arXiv.
13. December 2018Our paper about how to construct an STM is in Review of Scientific Instruments.
08. October 2018We discovered charge trapping in a high-Tc superconductor! Publication in Nature Physics.
27. September 2018Our MHz amplifier for STM is published in Review of Scientific Instruments.
16. May 2018Milan, Koen and Irene talk about superconductivity in Made in Leiden.
4. May 2018Welcome Ram!
5.-9. March 2018Irene and Milan are at the March Meeting (Talk Tue 10am, session E45)
27. December 2017The smart tips are on arXiv! A collaboration with the Gröblacher Lab at TU Delft. Stay tuned.
13. November 2017New paper published in collaboration with the group of Jan van Ruitenbeek